Red Pill Nation: Part 12 - The
Tyranny of Small-Skulled Stupidity
week we've now heard it all, or so it seems. At minimum, it's
apparent the social collective is now scraping the bottom of the
barrel to find new demonic demographics to target as being so
"privileged" that action needs to be taken to 'right the
wrongs' of having so many unfortunates being born without the
'unintended gifts' that others -- unjustly, or so it appears --
appear to have been blessed with, without earning them.
Let that
sink in for a minute, not least because it cuts both ways.
latest concern seems to be "intelligence", supposedly yet
another subset of "white privilege". We thought we heard it
all last month when members of the Junior Anti-Sex League (er, sorry,
that was the actual name in Orwell's 1984; in the reality-nightmare
of 2017 they're known as "SJWs", or Social Justice
Warriors) claimed that simply being born white was "racist".
Now, in a stunning upping of the ante, the student newsletter at the
Univ. of Iowa is now claiming that having intelligence itself, or
even wit, is due to the accident of being born with it, as part of
"white privilege":
UPDATE: Not Being Stupid Is ‘Cognitive Privilege’
Now, Which Is Just Like White Privilege
3:52 PM 07/29/2017
Daily Iowan revealed the discovery of this new privilege earlier
this week.
white privilege “is an important topic that deserves a public
discussion,” the op-ed on “cognitive privilege” explains, but
it is also “prudent to at least mention the wider concept contained
therein: that of privilege itself.”
in general is “the receipt of certain benefits wholly through
accident of birth and it is “undeniable that privilege itself is a
reality,” the student newspaper explains.
with skin color and much else", Daily Iowan author Dan Williams
argues, "people have no control over how smart they are. Life is a
huge cosmic lottery full of winners and losers.
privilege is one of “many kinds of privilege besides white
privilege.” Also,
Williams declares, robots will wipe out manual labor jobs but will
somehow not affect jobs available to members of a special cognitive
elite. “Thus,
the accident of having been born smart enough to be able to be
successful is a great benefit that you did absolutely nothing to
earn. Consequently, you have nothing to be proud of for being smart.”
believes that America will be better able to discuss “white
privilege” and the “temperature-rising topic of racial privilege”
if it is able to admit the existence of “cognitive privilege.”
worry, though. “The purpose” here “is not to instill a sort of
Catholic guilt in someone’s psyche.”
“The purpose of pointing out someone’s privilege is to remind them of the infinite number of experiences that are possible and the very large number of experiences that are actual that they know very little about.”
“The purpose of pointing out someone’s privilege is to remind them of the infinite number of experiences that are possible and the very large number of experiences that are actual that they know very little about.”
these slovenly excuses for intellects actually claim that it's a
racist crime to be born white, i.e. if a caucasian baby is born to
caucasian parents it's due to the criminal conspiracy of mother
nature, or 'god'. Other corollaries follow, as with the latest one
concerning "intelligence". What unmitigated hooey. The
extrapolation of that appears to be a justification for having ethnic
Africans and Arabs invade the West to impregnate caucasian women to
breed a non-white race. While intermarriage and intermingling
between the races ORGANICALLY, via the normal methods of normal
immigration and mobility, cultural intercourse that shows mutual
respect, what we are seeing is the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan (google
it; seriously) in full swing, with the emphasis on a forceful,
aggressive, even self-loathing importation of radical muslims and
africans (into Europe, and more slowly America) for a variety of
elite purposes, not the least of which is the eradication of national
pride and Western democratic culture. Particularly onerous to these
'khazarian supremacists', nationalistic pride is the biggest
resistance to the global elite's plan for ultimate world domination
and their New World Order. The US Constitution, though not observed
by the corporate govt that hijacked the republic, is our birthright
and the public's unawareness would allow it to be superceded by
tyrannical edicts by the proposed One World Govt. This would be the
same NWO who's principle aim is to eliminate both the quantity and
quality of non-elite masses, herding them into Agenda 21 ghettos.
Perhaps they wanted to create what is to them a self-fulfilling
prophecy, as the larger secret driving the elitist agenda is the
pending poleshift - which will result in such a house-cleaning as
only 10% or so is expected to survive.
We know
this is to better-serve the interests of the globalist elite, which
holds no allegiance to anything other than their own material
well-being and their multiple agendas.....not to mention the feeling
of security that will hopefully come with a subtly and slowly
descending martial law & police state that is the inevitable
result of placing masses of culturally-hostile impoverished muslims
(many radicalized, unfortunately due to the Khazarian mafia's
efforts) in the heart of Western civilization in Europe. In the
western hemisphere it's the hispanics. The engaged observer could be
excused for the chorus of WTFs, as this Coudenhove-Kalergi agenda is
so utterly hostile to their existence they couldn't imagine something
like is is anything more than the efforts of a starving Hollywood
screenwriter. Well, it's as straight-up as to what it's goals are:
replace European man with a new, more brutish and brownish worker
race that keeps the industriousness of the Germans but are "duller,
and oxen-like" so they won't have the intellectual
wherewithal to rebel effectively..... and are to be subordinated to a 'Jewish
aristocracy' (now you can see why the book is so persona non grata in
Germany that it's existence is not even acknowledged by the
authorities, and no 'official' English translation has even been
authorized. Thanks to Google Translate, we can now read those words
in plain English).
All of
which leads us to one of the main obstacles to overthrowing the
present tyranny, that of the ADL and other organizations that were
created alongside the Federal Reserve in order to suppress any
resistance that refers to the zionist nature of the primary perps:
ANTI-SEMITISM. It's even bigger than the race card. This is one of
the saddest, most devious and cunning plots; the tyrants made the
Hebrews the 'Lee Harvey Oswald' who they hide behind, which more
dimwitted truthseekers usually fall for and end up painting
themselves in that corner. The facts are overwhelming and obvious,
but to point them out inevitably elicits a vehement denunciation,
using the Holocaust as their fig leaf. This was written in the
blueprint of the original Zionist documents regarding their plans to
foment three world-wide wars to achieve their ends, and if you want scholarly proof of what I speak, simply google "Albert Pike, Mazzini". Yeah, that's it. Chew on that for awhile. If ONLY the facts
were more widely distributed, which clearly showed the initial
pogroms in Russia against Jews were part of a larger plan to
victimize the Jewish race and thereby buy them - the Khazarian Jewish bankers - the ultimate cover and excuse for their
activities. And it's been effective; the US military is practically
a dept of the IDF, and their purpose isn't to "defend the United
States", it's been used as a mercenary force to serve the corporate owners of USA Inc., which
is the same as saying it's the mercenary army that enforces the
dictates of the Khazarian mafia. (Who HAPPEN to be Jewish, but that's
no excuse to think a fair reference justifies charges of
"anti-semitism".) That mafia was responsible for the
murder of JFK and 9/11 (along with other perps with different labels, such as Saudi Arabian, Mafia or the Mob), and many events in between and since.
However, their power is collapsing, and the war behind the scenes
between these Even Ones and the patriots that are rooting them out is
incredibly intense, if Ben Fulford is to be believed. (I do, up to a
point; the essential thing is the new paradigm for the awakening. I
trust him not to intentionally mislead us, and to explain the public
behavior of national leaders and unfolding events, though he is as likely to be fed disinfo as info since his departure from Establishment organ Forbes.)
At least
we make the point that an acknowledgement the Evil Ones happen to
share a particular racial and religious background does NOT equate to
anti-semitism. In fact, Jewish people everywhere should stand up and
say "enough's enough; let's root out these Evil Ones and draw a
red line between the people and these elitists". Even analyzing this
shared culture and belief system should be encouraged; we are not
conspiracy theorists, we are conspiracy
analysts. Please hold fast to that as you go about
your daily arguments and venting sprees.
the other obstacle this article was intended to address is the
concept that being "intelligent" is an unfair advantage
that comes mostly from whites, who were born accidentally with more
intellectual capacity.
utter garbage! The presumption is racist on its face, for starters:
why can't other races be born with intelligence? Was the white race
unfairly endowed with intelligence, or did it come as a result of
being raised in relatively comfortable circumstances compared to
colored races? Either way, it insults the intelligence - LITERALLY -
to suggest such a thing. We can comment on the observable facts that
Asian students seem to excel academically better than non-Asians - ON
AVERAGE - just as we can note the observable fact that black athletes
exhibit more physical prowess than non-blacks. Or is that because
racist team owners prevented non-black races from competing enough to
prove themselves equal or better? The point is that each race
appears to have certain unique characteristics; they all bring
something to the table. Does that mean that they're deficient in
areas other races excel more at? If so, that sounds like
"entree-envy", that mild spike of jealousy you get when you
see the awesome-looking dinner put iin front of your date and yours
looks tepid in comparison.
this is all prelude to the biggest factor of all in this issue of
analysing how Stupidity keeps us in line, keeps us meekly serving the
Evil Ones, so that we all unfortunately end up returning again and
again until our souls are sufficiently matured and tempered, like the
finest spirits of the vineyards. REINCARNATION. Some - including
this writer - have logically deduced, based on sufficient evidence,
that many earthlings are actually sparked souls walking around in
flesh-suits, souls that have occupied other flesh-suits in previous
lifetimes. Usually the memory banks are wiped clean before insertion
in the new body, and not every body has a re-incarnated soul. The
soul may have had many lifetimes previously, hundreds even, while
many earthlings simply have yet to spark a soul during the times
spiritual dilemnas confront them.
you ever wondered why certain children act more like the grandparent,
and the grandparent more childish? Why some people seem to be much
more animated and having an opinion, and others only care about the
next event in their daily routine and the pablum fed them by
corporate mass media? And when considering that reincarnation may
cut across racial lines (and I believe they do), we probably have the
slave-owners of previous centuries reincarnating as black
ballplayers, and the slaves of previous centuries coming back as the
children of the local white mogul. For most souls I imagine the
choice is not entirely their own, but the soul in question does have
some input, as the story of one James Leininger proves. His case was
allegedly "allowed" in order for humans to gain a better
understanding of this fact, the better to make wise choices in the
But do
they? Sadly, no. Most people, actually most of the masses, may not
believe it until they're faced with a serious spiritual dilemna, the
struggle of which to resolve is what allegedly creates a 'spark' in
the electro-magnetic field that our neural pathways occupy inside our
skull. For those mature souls, many calculations are constantly being
made, and one will notice that the easiest answers are offered by
those who tend to rush to judgement, to allow themselves the
emotional release without restraint, a trait particularly virulent in
these days of anonymity of internet personalities (have you ever
witnessed video footage of hundreds of tablets and smartphones, all
positioned in row after row, programmed to 'act' like a different
human.....(how long before they'll be replaced by something more akin
to our traditional view of A.I. devices? As this post 'goes to
press', many readers will see the discussions of artificial
intelligence in full swing on the YouTube channels of the red-pill
nation.) As anonymous as we can be to each other, the more familiar
we become to the agents of the Deep State, the Orwellian enforcers of
a central-bankers' utopia (to us, a dystopia) that still, but barely,
rules the Establishment airwaves.
poleshift is coming, and it will be preceded by actions interpreted
by most as a form of martial law, simply because the military
authorities know that once the public is made aware of the scope of
the situation, mass hysteria, punctuated by rioting and protest
demonstrations, will sweep the nation, actually the globe - and that
is no understatement, though the potential is being ameliorated by
sociological phenomena that's both instigated and cultivated by
humanity's 'guardian angels'.
Yes, we
have 'angels', though for some they're more 'demonic' and working for
the 'other side', and some may call them higher-dimensional entities.
We have angels and demons, extraterrestrials and ultradimensionals.
Yep, got 'em all. And more. This is one of the more fertile worlds
in the known universe, at least the local one, even in more stable
times, but at the time preceding the soul-harvest especially so.
said by some that out of the seven billion or more humans trudging,
scampering and racing about the surface of the planet, approximately
one billion have reincarnated souls, with each one of those with
varying numbers of lifetimes underneath their belts (er,
robes....whatever). These same people suggest that it takes
approximately 900 human lifetimes, on average, before reaching
maturity to graduate from our 3D reality-matrix here on planet Earth.
addition to the reincarnating humans, another billion - roughly equal
to the home-grown harvest - are currently human beings but housing
souls cultivated on other worlds, what some call "star
children". Not all of these are what we would call "good",
and not all are "evil", either, but by and large the
importation of these "star children" is made for the
purpose of assisting home-grown, terran-born earthlings learn their
spiritual lessons more rapidly (more efficiently, actually). One of
the first people I met during the period I had just started taking
the red pill (late 1990s) was a man who had taken part in the
retrieval of a crashed UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,
reverse-engineered from an alien, i.e. extraterrestrial, craft).
While that experience was vividly described to me in detail, it was
more the experience he had when he was on his way down a very long
elevator ride into the earthly bowels below the White Sands area of
New Mexico that I'm recalling. He shared the elevator with a rather
tall person, a 'being' actually, as he was abnormally tall according
to this individual - who I'll call Peter for the moment. Peter said
he started to 'hear' this person/being talk to him, in his head; he
was aware enough to know there wasn't regular audio coming from his
mouth, anyway. The telepathic voice then shared with him how it was
such a shame that humans had such short life spans these days. Peter
expressed puzzlement, and the tall one went on to say that early on
in the history of humanity, humans had much longer lives (the jokes
about Methusaleh, etc, in the Bible....apparently they DID live to be
hundreds of years old back then), but it was discovered [by whom?
one has to assume 'genetic engineers', or some form of more powerful
authority] that 'they didn't do very much with their time, at least
not as much as was expected'. Therefore, the genetic engineers
re-engineered the human forms to live a much shorter life, and it
turned out that humanity started gettiing more done within the
average lifetime than had been the case before. Men became generals
and kings and merchants during their twenties, and often had children
on the way before they exited their teenage years. They also died
much earlier, though the process has been stalled in modern times
thanks to the benefits of modern medicine.
Why is
this relevant? Because the average person has begun to suffer in
recent decades under the onerous burden of excessive stupidity and
moronic behavior of a large plurality of people, made so by the
intentional dumbing-down efforts of today's broadcast - and print -
media. The internet, given to humanity generally (and specifically
NOT to be the exclusive purview of the elite, despite the hopes of
the more arrogant asses among them), was to offset the hard power AND
related soft power of the elites' attempts to keep illusionary
narratives guiding the masses.
In other
words, the rich and powerful use TV, newspapers, movies, books, even
fashion and music, to mold the masses into a state of ignorance. Of
course most of us already know that, at least anyone reading this
does, though I expect some of the logically-challenged dimbulbs who
know of me would erupt in gales of jeers and contemptuous rage if
their curiousity of what I'm up to brings them here, though most
wouldn't give a flying V. As if to put a point on it, the Cosmic
Jokester just rolled out a new YouTube video on the Roku behind me,
titled "Civil Unrest, Police State Expanding Due To Ignorance".
[Good on you, Sarah Westall! When something "coincidental"
like this happens, it tells me something deeper than random
coincidence is at work.] However the answer isn't as simple as the
argument between genetics and environment. It really DOES have to do
with the relative maturity of the many souls interacting here.
while this is a rant, a venting of rage against having to put up with
the stupidity of the so-called "average person", and
therefore by extension the "average government", the
"average soldier", the "average business", etc,
it's also a plea for those who are intelligent enough to realize the
truth of the burden we labor under to not become too embittered, or
too uncaring, or too defeated at the realization that our reality is
kept in a delicate balance between the positive and negative, the
good and the bad, the beauty and the ugliness, etc. If the dimbulbs
are too monosyllabic, well then, screw 'em. You can only lead a
horse, or a horse's ass, to water. If you led it to a bar, you know
he'd drink, and then he'd want you to pay for it too! So count your
blessings, and revere water for its countless blessings. Soon it
will become the most precious thing in your existence, if it isn't
already (or maybe you just aren't aware of that because it's so
plentiful, even if you have to buy it by the bottle). The point is,
suffer the children to be assholes sometimes, and sometimes to show
you some love, but always provoke them to think.....even if they
whine and mutter about it, sneering and jeering their way away. It's
all good, but.....we're obligated. Sentenced, if you will, to do
what we can to reflect to anyone who will put up with you what it
means to 'take the red pill'.
remember, we - most of those reading and writing here - are
conspiracy analysts;
the very term 'conspiracy theorist' was invented to ridicule those
who questioned the Official Narrative of the JFK assassination. JFK
himself once said, in one of his most famous speeches, "we are
opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless
conspiracy....". Scholarly dimbulbs, nincompoops in the
employment of the Establishment, often insist this is a reference to
Communism, but that artificial foe was certainly not what the speech
went on to describe, because he excoriated the secret societies and
the secrecy that lurked behind him, in front of him, even killing
him.....and it was certainly not communism. It was what conspiracy
analysts often knee-jerk shirk from naming as the
"illuminati", the zionist central bankers and nuclear
bomb-makers, the freemasons and Big Oil, the Mob, jealous underling
LBJ and his minions like James Baker and E. Howard Hunt that began
plotting from the day they engineered that big ole Farah-trousered
Texas ass into the Veep slot on the '60 ticket, and especially the
rogue intelligence community that was the enforcement arm of Wall
Street, topped by Majestic 12 - and its orders to maintain the
secrecy over the 'UFO phenomenon' that JFK was intending to reveal.
After all, JFK had already announced his intention to "splinter
the CIA into a thousand pieces", which was a death-threat to the
spooks that thought they could get away with installing a New World
Order without resistance from that POTUS. So remember people: we're
conspiracy analysts; someone using the term 'conspiracy theorist' is
either an Establishment tool, minion, or dimbulb. They could be just
a simple 'normie' though, who hasn't been offered the red pill,
so.....offer them one!
the Red Pill Nation. Normies beware, your time is soon to come!
Coming soon: The Unconscious Conspiracy - How the Earth reality-matrix conspires to enforce the spiritual maturation process
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