Tuesday, November 12, 2024

"Can You Hear Me Now?" - The Greatest Sting Operation in Homo Sapiens' History


Re-Bamboozling The Electorate in 2024

Yes, that's no mere hyperbole but rather, it's a reasonable assessment given the circumstances, most of which are not known to the general public yet. As of this writing, the Establishment is in a defensive posture but the remaining figureheads within the Deep state have concluded that the public perception has to be acknowledged and therefore no matter how many illegals they are determined to continue importing, the good guys will not be permitting it. In fact, I would go so far as to[have suggest that the good guys will use the actual numbers of 2020, which they have the receipts for, in the event civil unrest or natural disasters preclude a free and fair election. [Note this was originally written before the election; fortunately the prevention worked well enough not to have to call for martial law and risk putting the military at war with itself until the white hats can restore order and ensure authority.]

 This [would have] set the stage for another election, to be held within 3 months or so, but this time strictly via paper ballots and in person, with rare exception. We know that logically the greater percentage of the population would want that, and we know that the president-elect, Trump, has expressed his insistence that it be done that way because of all of the fraud and potential for fraud. With a legitimate election, and that is the loaded question, the stage is now set for a peaceful transfer. Those Democrats behind the scenes who know that their time is up are actually panicking - and we have evidence of this - as they watch the scripted farce unfold to it's stunning conclusion. Stunning for them, that is. That isn't just whistling Dixie past the graveyard either. The entire 2020 supposed loss had been scripted in ages ago, and the previous four years have been a time of thousands of arrests behind the scenes as those corrupted petty officials and their activist brethren put into practice their REAL agenda, essentially pillaging and plundering America as they made it so weak and in turmoil over their sovereignty that they could be ruled by a tyrannical ideology from the UN as they have always wanted to do and had planned on doing. They had not anticipated the four-year interruption represented by Trump's first term, which was known beforehand to only be one term while the next would be 'allowed' to be stolen, in order to truly clean up the swamp. Whether you know of any particular account that you believe to be false or not, there are indeed - and have been - real trials going on as these traitors and satanic thugs that stabbed us in the back as they carved up our haunches, are caught, only to find themselves in front of a 3-person military tribunal.... followed shortly thereafter by an 8 - 12 person firing squad or a hangman's gallows. (Remember how some propagandists still populating corporate mass media shrieked at Trump's comments about Liz Cheney? Now you now the subtext, which only reinforces the main message about warmongers; it didn't negate it.)                                                                                                            

The White Hats have deftly provoked the Establishment into panicking and using their control system to go after the Patriot Protagonist, as had been gamed out previously. Normies' heads would explode if they were to see detailed proof of this, but it's due to the success of this operation, a subset of which is Operation Stormbreaker, that a substantial chunk of the intelligentsia, or what passes for it these days, has been that brainwashed that they would accept without question the inverted Democratic party's values of 2024. This has been a struggle between the Establishment, chiefly the cabal that is at the core of it, and operating chiefly by evil methods and for evil designs, versus the masses of average humans all pursuing their destiny while chiefly following the law. 

It hasn't been about the left or right, Republican versus Democrat, but rather the People versus the cabal and their minions. Sadly not enough Democrats seem to understand this, because in a way it has been a usurpation of their traditional role. Originally they were the ones that were supposed to be for tolerance, merit instead of birthright, celebration of diversity and other "liberal" values, but the inversion over the last decade has transformed it into a haven for censorship, intolerance, compliance with totalitarianism and other forms of the dreaded thought police. How did it come to this? We have a presidential campaign by the supposed vice president who did not receive a single vote in a primary system, nor was a primary system even allowed. In fact, she was thrust into the role after certain personages and forces within the Establishment panicked in the wake of the disastrous debate performance by the actor named Arthur (playing the resident Biden) after his shockingly poor debate performance early in the season. No matter; both of these individuals had been replaced by the white hats prior to 2021, but you can't convince Willy of this. Willy won't go. Try tellin' everybody but....whoa oh no.

Allegedly, or should I say I have been reliably informed, this was all planned. The actor playing the role of Kamala, along with the actor playing Joe, had been carefully cultivated for some time previously because it is hard to find any individual let alone someone who has the existing bone structure to confidently wear the mask and operate the voice box of another individual. According to some sources, this Arthur L. who plays Poopy Pants Joe most of the time, (and there is a second alternate who was recently brought out during the same day to emphasize the difference and further confuse the normies enough to prep them for what is coming) is being paid $2.3 million a year to complete this role, and he even acknowledged it recently in some remarks he made at the WH press room. He was looking back fondly and patting himself on the back for having played the role of his lifetime as he put it, and was remarkably articulate and NOT absent-minded as he assured the country there would be a "peaceful transfer of power" to the second Trump administration. I think he certainly earned it, however much it was. He brought off the image of a man who had become demented after getting elected, and was demented in an unthreatening grandfatherly way. This left most of the audience chuckling and shaking their heads in scorn and resignation, but never angry enough to pose a serious threat of pitchforks in the oval office.

Central casting has played a fabulous role in the farce that has been the focus of this greatest sting in our history. The main reason it is the greatest sting is that we are nearly at the end of our aeon, and thus homo sapiens will be retired in favor of the new model, but it was necessary that this confrontation take place between Good and Evil. The good means that everyone will have an equal choice, and an equal chance, rather than be fleeced of everything they own and becoming hopelessly despairing slaves because they were too naive and ignorant as to their own demise. Of course they will never look at it that way, but that is exactly the situation. What kind of evil force would intentionally import hostile peoples that resist acclimation and are paid generously by the future taxes on the earnings of the native population? What kind of inversion allows for someone from the other side of the globe (invariably freshly released from a prison in their home country) to be ushered into the US and pampered and paid for by the services that even our own veterans aren't able to get? It is ludicrous on the face of it. The People did not authorize such an invasion, and anyone participating in it should be tried for treason and face the consequences if found guilty by a military tribunal. This is an act of war and our ignorant (though well-schooled and smart) friends and neighbors, family and peers are willfully enabling this. Why? Because they apparently are so insecure about their own beliefs that they'll bend over backwards rather than take a chance on being accused of the big ISMs that the thought police wield. The biggest one of these of course is racism, followed by sexism. Already liberals and progressives in general are known for their defensiveness in all these areas, therefore their sense of justice is used against them. That's when they become willing minions of the Machine. These days, there are many who Rage With The Machine, unknowingly. But you can't push Willy 'round, Willy won't go. Try telling everybody but, whoa-oh no! Cuz little Willy Willy won't....go home!

Without humility, which is not that common apparently, you cannot convince anyone they have been made a fool of, much less if they have been part of the larger social circle to which they belong, all of whom have been similarly bamboozled. However, in order to avoid real bloodshed or to minimize it as much as possible, it was understood early on that the brainwashing aspect had to be confronted head on even to the point where it is constantly being rubbed in our faces. Of course I resent this but I understand why the greater portion of the population has to endure this, because let's face it. The majority of the generations since the baby boomers discovered amplified sound have focused on their own pleasure, to the exclusion of any civic responsibilities. Many will put in their time doing good in other areas, but because of the disgust the sausage-making of politics generates, many people simply avoid it. They have no problem with farming out their opinion-making to mainstream corporate institutions that used to be trustworthy but now are the furthest thing from it. Mainstream talking heads are less trustworthy than used car salesmen, but it's far easier to believe that Establishment media like the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC et al are still better at parsing out information than our own critical thinking can. At least it used to be, but hopefully now even true progressives will disavow legacy corporate media operations in favor of citizen journalists, populists, and home-grown neutral news-gathering organizations.

Central casting made the most of it

Because the level of corruption and betrayal ran so wide and so deep, the good guys had to do one thing to ensure they would be able to complete the cleanup. They have actors playing the roles of both the current President and Vice-President, with the rapid onset of dementia used as cover for why the incoming resident was so forgetful and infantile and needed to be "reminded" of a myriad of things. These things were later used to extend the discovery of the corruption down to every level, where those that were only marginal players were given an opportunity to testify against the Deep State or face life in prison or even death. Many of you have heard this before and didn't believe it, and even if Donald J Trump is immediately accepted as the incoming president once again, they still may not reveal the extent to which they 'stung' the control system and the American populace in order to beat the satanists and restore sanity. There was no overt war, at least not yet, or civil war, this was all done quietly, and afterwards, everyone can go back to the way they thought it should have been all along. There will be many of us that will despair for the lack of accountability, but overall, the above scenario sounds like the most logical one, and those that have shared it have also gone on the record before about Joe Biden supposedly being replaced by Kamala, which turned out to be true, as well as the recent decision for Kamala to 'pause' her active campaigning and retool her message to distinguish it from Biden's, which also occurred shortly after the sources I'm hearing made it apparent what to expect.

We can trace the first signs of success, all unfolding methodically and in a timely fashion, when Protagonist Trump arrived in the Bronx in March to cheering throngs of native New Yorkers, most of whom were of the brown and black variety that day. Just recently, a summit meeting between many of the major pooh-bahs that have constituted the muscle for the Deep State, such as Jeff Bezos, have signaled the trend towards acceptance of the second incoming Trump administration by standing down from endorsing the official standard bearer of the Democratic party. This is all dovetailing quite nicely, but frankly I'm somewhat disturbed a bit by the subterfuge. I did not think it would take this long and from what I understand, even those carrying out this Plan, part of which is operation Stormbreaker, did not know the depth of corruption and the willingness of so many average Americans to take part in it. In fact, it will take a long time during the course of Trump's second administration to finish the cleanup, but it has to be done before the curtain comes down on homo sapiens, circa 2026.

Consider: how many readers even took note of the alarming alacrity with which most of the Democratic party presidential candidates were rushed off the campaign trail shortly after the televised debate in which nearly a dozen vied for our attention, early in 2020? Even after Tulsi Gabbard mopped the floor with any respectability Kamala Harris had, it was clear that the honchos behind the party machinery were keen to get Joe Biden out as the alternative to Trump, (as they had already substituted their own black hat actor for Poopy Pants), as well as getting Kamala appointed as his running mate. Not because Kamala had any political muscle she had earned, but because she was the most malleable and willing to play the game knowing it was rigged. But very few people even questioned how quickly this all occurred after that debate. In normal times, Tulsi would have been the logical choice, but it was clear the media was preventing her from getting any of the limelight that resulted from her outstanding performance and logic. This should have proven to many Democrats that their party had indeed been hijacked, and was no longer the party of JFK or even RFK, let alone RFK Jr.

Because the number of minions is still unknowable, but as mentioned before runs deeper and wider than many had considered possible, having a mole literally within the body of the puppet president and vice president compensated for the far fewer-in-number white-hats was considered the best method to avoid bloodshed and civil unrest while using these four years to watch as the minions surfaced to carry out their evil designs, whereupon many were taken down and in some cases deals were made with and in other cases they were replaced with actors wearing the sophisticated masks and using voice boxes that have been proven to fool most heads of state as well as media personalities, without having to use the age-old method of body doubles (e.g. Saddam Hussein was reputed to have 21 doubles).

Now we are at the end of this farce, and many Democrats have grown silent with embarrassment and shame at how their party has devolved into a war-mongering, censorious corporate fascist organization. That is all to the good, because they are now paying attention. Many have friends and relatives that have been seriously injured or died from the genocidal Jab; some have walked away from their jobs in order to avoid that mandate; they witness millions of illegal migrants not only being allowed over the border but being escorted by our border patrol and given generously-loaded debit cards, to live in communities where they rape, pillage, and even eat the pets of their hosts.... And I haven't even mentioned the outrageous inflation that ramped up immediately upon the illegitimate puppet Biden taking office in the 3/4-size White House in Georgia. You couldn't make it up, which is why it had to be done....it had to be rubbed in the faces of the sheep who steadfastly stick their heads in the sand even deeper in a determined effort to avoid cognitive dissonance. Understandable. That's because the institutions they continue to support are actively working to undercut the very values and expectations these people have given them for decades, and the subterfuge so complex and multi-layered that it is hard for the average lamb to understand, even those that have come up behind me and are working actively in support of the Democratic party as precinct captains, election officials and call center people. We will be witnessing shortly how effective the "orange man bad!!" characterization has continued to stick, and whether the people are challenged enough to do some minimal research to discover the truth of the charges and counter charges. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine what are lies anymore. Even the most meek Democratic lamb knows that the mainstream media is lying, but they haven't yet actively connected which particular lies warrant their immediate attention. The first order of business is gently assisting them in coming to grips with the fact they have been seriously misled, with the ultimate goal of eliminating and sterilizing as many of them as possible. This needs to be done on the level of basic logic, not with an overwhelming storm of facts and documentation. That will all come later. The overarching issue is the backdrop of the Earth changes, culminating in a pole shift, and beginning with the dreaded New Madrid Adjustment (ask Alexa, seriously), which is why the planetary zookeepers and hall monitors have assisted to a greater degree than ever the so-called 'white hats' or 'good guys' that are courageously facing down an enemy that has been deeply and widely entrenched for thousands of years, and whose end-times preparations have lasted much longer than the effort these white hat patriots began in the wake of the assassination of patriot President JFK.

That's when the greatest sting in homo sapiens' history began to be organized. The plan has taken decades, apparently lurking in the shadows as it's strength was built over two and in some cases three generations. Every effort has been taken to minimize human casualties, and the end result will be a period that may last longer or may last for a very short time. The chief characteristics is that it will show a return to monetary sanity with a gold-backed currency that is regulated by the will of the market and the People's representatives, and not by satanic central bankers and their minions. The nuclear family unit will be restored to its original place, and people will have all of these civil rights and freedoms they have earned and recognized over the previous centuries. Most of this will be available for review by the population, given the technology at the time the cataclysms begin to foreclose on those opportunities. There will not be such widespread accountability of executions as many patriots have come to expect, although there will be quite a number that are in the higher echelons, so that the people will have the benefits of Justice and as president Trump has recently called for,  "a cleansing". Many of those brainwashed into the "orange man bad!" microverse have already had a hard time coping with the fact that it took a masculine white male to bring peace to so much of the world, but they may be relieved to find that not only their own icons will be outed, but many icons of those on the right will be as well. The actual shooter of JFK was James Files, and this will become widely known. Files operated at the behest of well-known Chicago Mafia figures who were connected to Central Intelligence, and for those willing to accept the facts, George HW Bush was the primary orchestrator of events on the ground in Dallas that November day, having taken part in the arrangement for the Texas book depository to be purchased by Clint Murchison, one of the LBJ gang of oil men, where the mole Oswald would be positioned. Oswald was a mole for the FBI inside of the CIA, and this was widely known by the CIA who were going to administer the punishment by creating a patsy out of him. Oswald didn't even know it was a gun in the package that he had been instructed to take to work with him that day, and the officer he allegedly killed - J D Tippit - was used to substitute for the slain president, but unfortunately the assassin tasked with removing Oswald had missed and fled the scene before accomplishing his orders. According to Files, that other assassin showed up at his hotel room that night in a panic, but Files wouldn't let him in and ordered him to go away and lose his contact info. As a result, Jack Rubenstein (er, Ruby) had to finish the job.

But it was George HW Bush who was orchestrating these events and pawns on the chessboard for MJ-1, Allen Dulles, on behalf of Majestic 12. The firing of Dulles from his official position as Director of Central Intelligence, (the CIA), had no immediate bearing on Dulles's position as the head of Majestic 12, but even as MJ-1, he still had to have the votes of a majority of the 12 chairs before he could issue any orders for the termination of Lancer, aka JFK. Dulles, as a member of the ruling council that superceded even Majestic, was in the habit of ordering JFK, through discrete intermediaries, what to do....orders that weren't often followed.

JFK was usually advised by a group of powerful men that had not only arranged for his election, as a scion of one of their wealthy bloodlines, the Kennedys, but the foot soldiers for the Establishment's agenda were soon targeted by JFK and RFK as representing a criminal element in society that had to be cleaned out....and yet he, JFK, did not know who many of these men were. (BTW, JFK also did LSD, tripping the light fantastic with one of his mistresses, so there are previously little-known and equally shocking factoids and vignettes for the upcoming boggling of the minds. The "national cleansing", as Trump has started to refer to it.)

In the wake of the election we appear to have an acceptance of Trump's return to power without military activity/martial law, thankfully. However, there is widespread evidence of attempted fraud, some of it ongoing even a week after the event, so we can expect to see the issue continue to receive a lot of attention, both by corporate media and populist media. Any complaints should be investigated for criminally-treasonous activity. Questioning authority has been a time-honored tradition but advocating and actively undermining the well-being of your neighbors is treasonous, and it's happening right now, witness Aurora CO, Springfield Ohio, and numerous other towns thanks to American traitors continuing conflating intentional importation of seemingly well-off 'undocumented workers' with actual refugees that were persecuted in their home countries (a fraction of a percent of the total that receive better benefits than most of our veterans or 'marginalized populations').  The brainwashers really insult the average person's capacity for awareness; of course most Americans welcome law-abiding immigrants. That's totally different from what we've had our faces rubbed in for several years now, and explains why majorities in non-white populations also agree it's national suicide to import millions of people to over-burden our social safety net - paid for by US, for OUR benefit - in order to justify an elimination of said safety net to be replaced by a UBI (Universal Basic Income) that covers everyone (except white people apparently, who are born racist because of the color of their skin).....whoever thought the Left would stand Martin Luther King Jr on his head in order to maintain and further their power? Stunning, isn't it? How many stood up and called out this new, evil emperor for wearing no clothes? How many will feel ashamed they even accepted such a notion as encouraging people who were often more well-off than they, in foreign lands often hostile to the US, being brought into the country and - adding insult to injury - asking the poorest among us to actually PAY for their replacement by these outsiders? When enforcing the law, people are usually very compassionate and tolerant, but so many Americans appear to have bought into the various lies that were used to excuse the planned importation....and I submit this was due to the tendency to trust authority - whether political, medical, or media. Because few of us actually think that nefariously, it's hard to fathom why many in the mass media, in gov't, and in the healthcare industry would have knowingly taken part in such a plot, knowingly accepted various forms of bribes, but this will come out in glaring examples now that the hard part was won on Election Day.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Breaking Radio Silence In The Middle of World War Z

Recently Dr Robert Malone addressed a group of academics with this description of the current state of the silent PsyWar (his term and the title of his book) against the public:

"From the words that you post on social media or any media platform they can extract your emotional state. It's all validated using statistics. The words that you use can be used to basically peer into your mind to extract your emotional state and then map it in a cloud of influence with the other people that you're interacting with on social media. And that statistically-validated cloud of interactions can be used to pull out those within that sphere who are expressing emotions and thoughts that those who are managing this {matrix} wish to either elevate or eliminate. Shadow-banning is just one more tool in the toolkit. Those influencers can either be more widely amplified, or less so, and then propagated throughout the whole matrix. This is how this thing was built, as a weapon. It can move entire populations, and clearly did so in the Arab spring, resulting in multiple examples of regime change. It's extremely powerful. Greased lightning."

Over the past 18 months I've gone through fits and starts, with at least half a dozen attempts to describe what is occurring and point to a likely outcome, but to do so is like rolling a stone up a hill only to have it get larger to the point where it can't go up the hill anymore. The banning that I have experienced on YouTube and the pre-Elon version of Twitter is censorship like nothing else, and in fact this very article may be removed as the one previous to it was. Like many others, my channel was hidden from public view, certain videos were removed, I was demonetized, and severely chastised. I was chilled out of ever uploading to YouTube again about anything of substance. Just a couple of weeks ago I was momentarily thrown into Twitmo (Twitter's version of Gitmo under Elon Musk) for using the phrase (preceded by the disclaimer "I never advocate the use of physical violence") "but I can still pray that the angels horsewhip the lies out of your skull", and while I think the A.I. banished me because of the terms used, the fact that the tweet was not removed and I did not have to remove it after I was restored to my usual place 12 hours later, tells me that they recognized that I was not advocating violence and therefore my speech was acceptable. Nonetheless, it was a reminder that I have to keep my head down as I've been advised to do on numerous occasions in recent years. While I did call up the Pentagon and asked for General Milley's office, I did not expect to get the general himself but apparently that's who I was talking to as I raked him over the coals to his supposed adjutant. After I finished and asked him to make sure the general got that message, I could hear him swallow hard on the other end and mutter "yes sir" with barely concealed anger but he did bite his tongue. I just remember him whispering hoarsely "how did you get this number?" That was a few months before he was supposedly arrested and ultimately executed, according to both Real Raw News as well as the Zetas' emissary.

And speaking of that, I distinctly asked Nancy Lieder (said emissary) whether we could trust Real Raw News. She replied with a simple "no". Recently, within the past week or two, another member of the public asked her about the latest article in Real Raw News and Nancy, supposedly passing on what her Zetas said, admitted it was accurate. It reminded me of when I first told her that Michelle Obama was actually Michael Robinson and still had his male genitalia. She denied it until the day came when her Zetas admitted the fact, but I wasn't prepared to argue like that again.

To some people, that is a lie. To others, it's characterized as a prevarication. Still others will make excuses, depending on their level of sycophancy, while others may simply roll their eyes and further distance themselves from any form of preparation or deeper understanding. The simple fact is that so many people who I have personal knowledge of will no longer speak on the subject or even pay attention to what this highly talented source has to say.

Nowadays, as more and more of the people from my past come into contact with the message I've carried, the more quickly they go silent. What is it? Is it the unreliability of the timing, a la Lucy and the football from the Charlie Brown cartoon strip, or the boy who cried wolf? Is it the fear that something really bad is in the offing and people sense it on the soul-ullar level? Am I hurting more than helping in warning of the probable physical Earth changes coming, particularly since people can go through so many changes over the course of even 2 years? Is it the fact that we are now existing almost exclusively in cyberspace and our very emotions are fully prey to an insatiable and voyeuristic Deep State that is determined to eliminate us, and have us pay for our own demise at that? 

Without enumerating the details of the many prevarications perpetuated on the common Man by either the Zetas or their emissary, suffice to say they have been many and are now becoming commonplace. The core message is rectified by understanding that as it turns out, (according to Ms. Lieder, the emissary), the 'council of worlds' in our galaxy sometimes has an agenda that supersedes the agenda of their appointed shepherds for this particular harvest (the Zeta Reticulans, as detailed to the 60 incredulous human authorities gathered with Ike in Feb 1954). In other words, "oh, it looks like the council of worlds is rather enjoying the human drama and - wishing to extend it, to avoid a potentially disruptive and rude awakening - is willing to make any changes they deem necessary for the benefit of the soul harvest, whereas the agenda of the Zetas is merely to assist the current selfless humans....just not to the point where there'd be a large population of survivors still incarnated in the soon-to-be decommissioned version of Mankind". 

"In other words."

Real Raw News appears to be a valid publishing operation based on genuine sources within the DoD and has been reporting on the arrests and executions of many Deep State cabalists and corrupt minions, and the video-taped proceedings have been recorded for posterity to be unveiled to the general population after martial law has been openly declared. The purpose? So that people will have the correct context for it. Many who have been brainwashed by the intentional opinion-manipulation of the corporate mass media will likely have a very hard time processing this, and unfortunately it will take a state of martial law to quell any potential disturbances as a result. Logic tells us that this will likely take place either immediately preceding the election (because the fact that many states where the vote had been stolen in 2020 have not finalized their reforms yet), so as to assure a free and fair election that will negate all mail-in ballots outside of those that were legally requested. Even though the military supposedly has the actual and accurate vote tallies from 2020 and will reveal them in due course, they may have that ability still and will wait to see who attempts to steal the vote again, and thus a form of martial law may be declared immediately following the election, simply to preserve domestic tranquility and avoid an actual outbreak of violent civil war.

Those forces that would be bringing in pallets of bricks for the use of leftist mobs enforcing the chaos that's been ordered by George Soros, Larry Fink and their fellow agenturs will be taken into custody before their plans can be enabled, but this is not a done deal yet. The totalitarian corruption runs deeper and wider than originally anticipated, but it's also true that the larger part of the public is now seeing uncomfortably up-close what the real effects of a vote for the once-proud, now-hijacked Democratic party are. 'Replacement Theory' isn't merely theory, it's now a proven fact and has many historic receipts and knowledgeable conspiracy analysts to prove it. People can see with their own eyes, though many will cling to stale illusions and dogma in order to excuse the evermore brazen agenda. 

Let's look at this agenda. What few nuclear families are still populating are being encouraged to have their offspring neutered and sterilized, as a way to supposedly help them feel fulfilled -- emasculating the males and defeminating the females while naturally preventing them from birthing more of their kind. The critical thinker has to consider whose agenda this is and what purpose it serves. It wouldn't be so bad if the human authorities would simply tell the public the truth, and one could legitimately argue that few people would be willing to have children knowing what is coming, but that same knowledge would also likely arouse lawlessness and panic, with many forms of mental breakdown along the way. 

However, there is a far bigger agenda for the particular human authorities that hold 'the power of the purse', one that's been extant for centuries. This is a relatively small cabal, congregants in what Jesus called "the synagogue of Satan" (and for which they roundly excoriate him within the pages of their Talmud, having been exposed by Him), trillionaires who operate Earth as if it is their private plunder palace and for whom humanity were always a necessary nuisance whose time for democide draws near. This cabal cloaks itself in the name of an ethno-religious group, some of whom are aware of their use as such a camouflage and go along with it because of the perks they get, but many are not and are often horrified in natural reaction to what they realize is often a racist and supremacist ideology supposedly called for by the govt of the ethno-religious state. Part of the goal of the Good in these end-times is to separate the ethno-religious demographic tribe from this America-hating filthy rich cabal that is carrying out the murderous agenda undercover of the camouflage group. Any attempt to exfiltrate the cabal from this cloak usually results in wailing and threats, but there are courageous truth-tellers that have been doing it for some time now and it's becoming more effective as more and more people are becoming familiar with the violent details of the Nakba and watch the Daily Murder Bombings across the so-called Holy Land.

For those still slow to wake up from the stupor of mental laziness and social harnessing: humanity is doing battle with a hydra the likes of which have never been openly admitted to in polite society.  Merriam-Webster defines a hydra as "a multifarious evil not to be overcome by a single effort". Many of this hydra's agenturs are silently and aggressively working at enforcing mandatory sex-reassignment in minor children in various states laws and medical regulations, removing all parental authority, just as was done in the early stages of this war when corporal punishment was outlawed in all forms for all children. By removing the ability to discipline their own children as part of the development of a human being from birth to adulthood, every parent was forced to "spare the rod and spoil the child". 

At the same time that effort was taking place under the guise of an increasingly liberal and progressive society, which is how I had been deluded into actively supporting that agenda, other agenturs in media and academia were actively recruiting and promoting other aspects of the same agenda, deluding others like myself, people I would consider peers and colleagues, classmates and friends. The purposes for which I and my similarly-deluded liberal friends were working for were vastly different from those of the nefarious agenda that was setting the stage for the totalitarian reality we now find ourselves in. In the past, we fought for not only uncensored speech, but for freedom of reach of speech we may disagree with, i.e. PBS was supposed to be a neutral alternative to various corporate efforts that frowned upon competitive ideas. Instead, it along with its radio partner NPR have become actual propaganda outlets for a form of fascism, where-in the corporations that fund the federal government, which is actually a corporate entity posing as an organic and truly representative government, call the tune that they play. While there are outlets that can provide factual data that refute the official Narrative the cabal wants to brainwash us with, they're few and far between, but even worse, their reach is minimal because of the expense of distribution. Nowadays, with cyberspace changing our worldview constantly with alternative narratives, the "freedom of reach" of free speech can be, and was, immediate, which is how much of that information began to provoke The Great Awakening process in the first decades of the 21st century. Nonetheless, as usually happens, agenturs for the cabal silently attack the threat to their control of the emotional state and opinion-forming "free press" - which is, incidentally, the only industry mentioned by name in the US  Constitution. They were slow off the mark at the time of the fear of Y2K and the dot-com bubble, but they rapidly escalated their efforts when populism and a resurgent nationalism began to assert themselves, even though these were only a reaction to the agenda to destroy the sovereignty of independent nations while destroying the homogeneity of the various ethnicities and cultures of the world. To put it more simply: the cabal's chief objective  for centuries, especially since the founding of America, has been to take away from the people their God-given constitutional rights as equal to each other and above the claims of would-be tyrants....tyrants the cabal wants to put in power, to assist their plundering of the productivity of the common man and more importantly to remold society in the image they would have us be. A society in which the individual owns nothing (outside of this extremely select cabal, who will own everything) but will "be happy", presumably with video games and drugs. Eventually most humans will be bred out of existence and replaced with AI-controlled machines, with a small minority of actual humans that will provide a gene pool and servant class for the humans within the cabal. This is an objective of the cabal in the true world war Z they are conducting against the vast majority of humanity and our true protectors.

An important feature of the cabal's control system, which they use to instruct their various media holdings, is their 4am EST daily email/phone call. This is where the day's script is passed down, often to be read on-air verbatim by the hired talking heads. This was a huge shock to many of us, when we discovered videotape of various newscasters in various cities, both national affiliates and local independents, repeating the exact same script. The one most famous to me is about the Easter Bunny having an extra spring in it's step. From the mouth of a central banker in London or Brussels to the eyes and ears of their principal American lieutenants at 9am in western Europe, that transmission is what they want you to believe, and to assist them they make sure they have the latest research into group and thought formation going on within various streams of pop culture. Heck, they have the entire record of what they planned to do, how they funded it, and how well they succeeded at imbuing the population at large.

Healthcare is also part of this same control mechanism. It wasn't out of the goodness of their hearts that the great robber barons of the late 19th century initiated certain philanthropic efforts, such as the effort to buy America's hospitals and transform them into charnel houses for the most part, where organic homeopathic remedies were replaced with petroleum-based pharmaceuticals that could create new afflictions demanding yet ever-more profitable pharmaceutical solutions...but I digress. I was speaking of academia, where inquiring minds are harnessed to think of reality in a specific way. Newly-harnessed sheep, after getting fleeced for the privilege, are granted their sheepskins and appropriate titles, sallying forth to impress upon their lessers the truths they’ve been inculcated with. These titles then confer the credibility of the Academic Institution/Bestower, thus allowing them to speak as experts in their chosen field. Without such a title, even a truth-teller speaking precise truth is prevented from the freedom of reach of his/her speech; since the advent of Big Tech, this ability to control the Narrative is aggressively censoring speech on a mass scale in part by mandating false constructs as 'hate speech' in an effort to restore the same level of control as they enjoyed when most thought was dictated by the editorial pages of a few large urban newspapers and three media broadcasters. However, nowadays even the average American can see the effects of this naked censorship. It is the most astounding thing to see many heretofore "liberal" people develop into fascistic totalitarians under the guise of virtue-signaling "social justice warriors", which is this century's Phrygian cap, and it's slogans of DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) this era's versions of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". It's a shock to know that so many people are unaware of how that original phrase was constructed and the purposes for which it was deployed. The best source to learn of it is through William Guy Carr's book Pawns In The Game.

Now, seemingly without a trace of self-awareness, we have people who justify censorship by calling speech they disagree with "hate speech". How many people even questioned the meteoric rise of such a concept? This is something that could only have occurred during the Third Reich.  How did the party of tolerance suddenly transform into the party of intolerance? How did our society transform from one in which bare wisps of racism on the part of caucasians still existed but had largely died off, into one in which so much wailing and complaining of "white supremacy" occupies so much talk time on corporate media and pushed in various forms of events? We have gone from a largely diverse population into one in which a small minority of that population is being told they're now being victimized by intentional racism by caucasians, although this does not seem to be organically generated by the African-Americans in question, but by a yet all-together different race. America had even elected a half black, half white president, so what happened after that President left office to suddenly and radically change the issue of racism into one more relevant to the late 19th century? We have multiple executives from the highest ranks of Disney and other major corporations talking openly about waging a racist campaign against caucasian employment. It is the most racist thing that has ever been witnessed by those of us who went through the late 20th century and know this is an artificially created situation. The question is, for what purpose? That purpose is the same as mentioned above. 

• Aggressive transgenderizing of children, while denying parental authority 
• Aggressive importation of unwanted foreign invaders under the ruse of being "refugees", paying them with our tax dollars, thereby funding our own demise. 
• Aggressive censorship of any opinions OR FACTS that run counter to the Official Narrative
• Aggressive enactment and enforcement of all mandates when a pandemic is called
• Removal and erasure of all sources on the Internet not under central control, including classic best-selling books (they no longer need to be burned, simply taken offline)
• Aggressive targeting of caucasians as racist simply by virtue of being born a certain race, coupled with a redistribution of wealth from white to black based simply on skin color (a DEI goal, designed to rekindle actual genuine racism and thus keep the People divided)
• Aggressive promotion of a false climate change theory based on guilt-tripping humanity for its 'carbon footprint' while suppressing information on the real culprit that's causing climate change.
• Planning on forcibly weaning the population away from gasoline-powered personal vehicles and towards electric scooters and mass transit
• Aggressive promotion of a non-meat diet, funding insect hatcheries instead of fish hatcheries or chicken farms or vegetable fields
• Aggressive promotion of TIA - Total Information Awareness, the "surveillance state" and storing a record of such surveillance
• Encouraging snitching instead of respect for privacy
• Over-use of "training exercises" that have the nasty habit of occurring precisely at the very moment the scenario being trained for is occurring, starting with 9/11 and continuing through 7/07, Sandy Hook and Ferguson MO
• Aggressive use of corporate media to promote the cabal's chosen candidates, obfuscate uncomfortable facts, promote false claims, insist on censorious so-called "fact-checking", and distract with meaningless stories of sports and pop celebrities 
• Approval of waivers allowing for the use of inferior materials in defensive weaponry purchased from non-American sources
• Application and threats of mandatory behaviors to be followed by the citizenry, usually initiated by sparking fear of a medical pandemic
• Cultivation and deployment of brainwashed/mind-controlled "school shooters", which are used to spark fear and justify attempts at limiting Second Amendment rights 
• Weaponization of federal agencies against anti-globalist forces, principally conservative Christian non-RINO Republicans
• Legalizing and promoting infanticide 
• Aggressive promotion of the new watchwords "Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity" and "Environmental, Social & Governance"; both are this era's formulation of the original template "Liberty, Equality & Fraternity", and to see who or what is behind the agenda driving these flash points we have the following in the historical record:

“For us there are not checks to limit the range of our activity.
Our Super-Government subsists in extra-legal conditions which are described in the accepted terminology by the energetic and forcible word - Dictatorship.
I am in a position to tell you with a clear conscience that at the proper time, we, the law-givers, shall execute judgment and sentence, we shall slay and we shall spare, we, as head of all our troops, are mounted on the steed of the leader.
We rule by force of will, because in our hands are the fragments of a once powerful party, now vanquished by us.
And the weapons in our hands are limitless ambitions, burning greediness, merciless vengeance, hatreds and malice.”


How many have fallen for the coaxing and stoking of racial prejudice in recent years, likely provoked unwittingly by the cunning use of artificially-concocted situations in Ferguson, MO and of course George Floyd, situations that were intentionally sparked and fanned into flames by the corporate media forces at the disposal of the cabal, who have been determined to foist a racial war among us despite the fact that the racism that existed prior to the Civil Rights Acts of the mid-1960s had largely died out. 

Going on, the declarations of the Enemy of The People continue with:

“It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds.
We have in our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, restorating monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists, and Utopian dreamers of every kind.
We have harnessed them all to the task: Each one of them on his own account is boring away at the last remnants of authority, is striving to overthrow all established form of order.
By these acts all States are in torture; they exhort to tranquility, are ready to sacrifice everything for peace:
But we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international super-government, and with submissiveness.”

Most of my peers, in fact most of society is incredulous at the very thought there could be such a nefarious conspiracy taking place of such a description, and that's precisely because they themselves do not think that way. Therefore, they find it hard to believe that anyone else could actually think like that, outside of a Hollywood script. They have yet to learn that those scripts follow real life and not the other way around.

Our malefactors provide further details as to their tactics:

“Division into fractional parties has given them into our hands, for in order to carry on a contested struggle one must have money, and the money is all in our hands.”

Of course. Follow the money. There it is in words from the 18th century.
And the use of Antifa and BLM:

“In order that the hand of the blind mob may not free itself from our guiding hand, we must every now and then enter into close communion with it, if not actually in person, at any rate through some of the most trusty of our brethren.

When we are acknowledged as the only authority we shall discuss with the people personally on the market places, and we shall instruct them on questions of the political in such wise as may turn them in the direction that suits us.”

Chicken and waffles with the Godfather. Diddy do it or didn’t he?
The evil is further spelled out:

“We have got our hands into the administration of the law, into the conduct of elections, into the press, into the liberty of the person…”

And a last nugget or 2, because these revolting thoughts can only be borne but so long:

“We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth….by rearing them in principles and theories which are known to us to be false although it is that they have been inculcated.”

And in a broad sweep claiming their ultimate victory, from the 19th century we have this summation:

“We count upon attracting all nations to the task of erecting the new fundamental structure, the project for which has been drawn up by us.

This is why, before everything, it is indispensable for us to arm ourselves and to store up in ourselves that absolutely reckless audacity and irresistible might of the spirit which in the person of our active workers will break down all hindrances on our way.
When we have accomplished our coup d'etat, we shall say then to the various peoples:
"Everything has gone terribly badly, all have been worn out with suffering. We are destroying the causes of your torment - nationalities, frontiers, differences of coinages.
You are at liberty, of course, to pronounce sentence upon us, but can it possibly be a just one if it is confirmed by you before you make any trial of what we are offering you."

... Then will the mob exalt us and bear us up in their hands in a unanimous triumph of hopes and expectations.
Voting, which we have made the instrument which will set us on the throne of the world by teaching even the very smallest units of members of the human race to vote by means of meetings and agreements by groups, will then have served its purposes and will play its part then for the last time by a unanimity of desire to make close acquaintance with us before condemning us.”

“In the near future we shall establish the responsibility of presidents.
By that time we shall be in a position to disregard forms in carrying through matters for which our impersonal puppet will be responsible.
What do we care if the ranks of those striving for power should be thinned, if there should arise a deadlock from the impossibility of finding presidents, a deadlock which will finally disorganize the country?
In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favor of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some "Panama" or other - then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, advantages and honor connected with the office of president.

The chamber of deputies [i.e. Congress or Parliament] will provide cover for, will protect, will elect presidents, but we shall take from it the right to propose new, or make changes in existing laws, for this right will be given by us to the responsible president, a puppet in our hands.

Naturally, the authority of the presidents will then become a target for every possible form of attack, but we shall provide him with a means of self-defense in the right of an appeal to the people, for the decision of the people over the heads of their representatives, that is to say, an appeal to that same blind slave of ours - the majority of the mob.

Independently of this we shall invest the president with the right of declaring a state of war.

We shall justify this last right on the ground that the president as chief of the whole army of the country must have it at his disposal, in case of need for the defense of the new republican constitution, the right to defend which will belong to him as the responsible representative of this constitution.

It is easy to understand then, in these conditions, the key of the shrine will lie in our hands, and no one outside ourselves will any longer direct the force of legislation.”

Pretty full of themselves, aren’t they?
This, then, is why Donald Trump has been targeted so intensely in WWZ. He and the 200 flag officers of the American military who persuaded him to run for president are an existential threat to the cabal responsible for the ugliness recounted above, thus repeated assassination attempts. Had the cabal chosen to run Jeb Bush instead of Hillary,Trump would have run as a Democrat, but even so, any Democrat who identified with JFK started leaving the now-fascist Democratic party when it was clear the Soros faction had hijacked the party. Hijacked it away from Bernie Sanders, who was winning the primary race against the cabal candidate Hillary. Even so, Sanders was blackmailed and would’ve performed similarly to Woodrow Wilson had he been shoehorned into the White House, so when push ever came to shove, the cabal would get their way just as they did from 1913 to 1921, just as they arrogantly declared in the late 19th century - as noted above.
Now, the satanic group responsible for the above megalomaniacal declarations in quotes is personified in the real-life World War Z (WWZ) by George Soros, Larry Fink of Black Rock (“the business of Black Rock is changing behaviors. That's what we do”), and a handful of other modern day cabalists. Our job as Americans should be simple: wake up and just say no. Say no to gender reassignment for children under the age of 21. Say no to censorship. Say no to wars outside of this country where we have no interest, and say no to funding wars outside of this country on behalf of satanists. Say NO to mass importation of hostile and illegal immigration and funding illegal immigrants, despite them being unconstitutionally 'allowed' and even encouraged by anti-American cabal puppets to invade America while draining the social safety net for Americans; that is treasonous thievery designed to force a conversion of social security to a UBI model of “happy enslavement”. Say NO to DEI and ESG, which are racist attacks on social cohesion and forcible adherence to a false theory of what’s causing the climate changes. Say no to Babylonian money majick, satanic sexual abuse rituals, pedophilia, child sacrifice and child trafficking. Say no to shipping our manufacturing jobs offshore. Say no to CBDCs and fiat currency. 

And say yes to making America great again. Not in a stale jingoistic way, but in the little things like being able to trust your govt and your neighbors in the community to do the right thing, like having the same freedoms in cyberspace as we do in the so-called 'real world'...like being proud to be an American for the values expressed in our Constitution, NOT because of imperial wars fought for the benefit of a few industrialists and corporations. We've obligated to fight for our God-given rights, if only to retain what few civil liberties and freedoms we still have, but there are still far too many of us that are purposefully unaware and ignorant of WWZ as they avoid anything that requires actual courage in these matters. If that shoe fits, own it. If not, don't wear it.