Sunday, November 23, 2014

On Being Banned From ZetaTalk

(And The Value Of Accountability)

Some readers – those who also read zetatalk – may note that I am listed as a banned member on the poleshift ning.  There are many who have been banned from that forum, many who chose to remove all traces of their involvement.  Being that I have spent the majority of my posting time on the Golden Thread forum where the only rule is the Golden Rule, and have honed my viewpoint so that I’m accustomed to dealing with those who don’t accept the probability of the pending poleshift scenario, I have a different approach - one that I've had to use over the last decade debating the basic premise, whereas everyone on the ning is already a 'believer'.  I need as much information as the zetas will allow in order to help show those who will be scouring the internet shortly.

Let me stress that I have always accepted Nancy Lieder as the "emissary" of the group of zeta reticulans that has been building hybrid bodies for the select few souls that will re-incarnate here on Earth in 4th density following the pole-shift. She's rebuked me on numerous occasions, but if I have a valid question, she'll consider it.  By "valid", I mean questions that go to the heart of our situation both globally and personally.  Sometimes the zetas, or because it goes through her filter, won't appear to understand how important a burning question might be.
So, yes, Nancy Lieder is apparently the chosen emissary for the coming shepherd race that has the contract for the rebuilding of humanity through the new model of humanoid flesh-suit that our (some of our, anyway) souls will come to inhabit following the coming soul-harvest.  As such, she already has a hair-raising existence fending off remote viewers from the Cover-up artist-pens.  Not only that, she has to interface with the ning audience of several thousand members who regularly pelt her with questions that often have been answered (or inferred) through previous zetatalk.  Still, she has her email line open to any who have a sensible question but who either do not want to join her Swiss-guarded operation, have been banned, or are new and considering joining.  She doesn’t suffer fools too happily, because even as arrogant as her demeanor may strike many, she’s had to bear more than most of us – and I’ve had to bear quite a bit myself.  We’ve commiserated, Nancy and I.  I consider myself a colleague, not a "follower" per se, because that insinuates cult-like behavior.  

While I’ve been a frequent questioner of ZetaTalk, and asked an average of a question a week between 2003 and 2009, when ZT moved off of GLP and took up residence on a ning site (Google poleshift ning and you’ll land right there), I haven’t been shy about asking blunt questions about the Bush family, and it was due to my asking a particular question about how Prescott (Poppy’s daddy, the patricarch of the clan) came to be so convinced of the coming pole-shift that I was banned.  He (Prescott, later Senator Prescott Bush and the kingmaker that put together the Eisenhower-Nixon ticket in 1952) had allowed his son’s wife to have 14 zygotes made of their offspring so that one of them would ascend to the White House at the appointed time, to rule the nation as one of the powerful kings of the AfterTime.  

At least that's the clone story as the zetas tell, and the logic (and a smattering of evidence too) is there for it.

It’s one of the most important questions I still have, because in this quest for understanding, I’ve come to know that the Bush family has manipulated American political life for decades – and not in a good way.  Ironically enough, he has the ability to come across as affable, as a gentleman of the condescendingly blue-blood aristocracy that feels a “sense of noblesse oblige” as he so obligingly puts it, in order to put to rest any nervous unease you may feel about how truthful he’s being with you.

What I’m saying is that I asked this of the zetas, and was promptly banned without me even knowing it, until I went to comment somewhere on that ning.  It’s all right, as it turns out, because we will be entering a period where millions of Bush voters – who helped put a Bush in the White House on at least one occasion, though never as part of an outright majority in the case of Jr – will also be flocking to ZetaTalk to learn of the true state of affairs and the zetas know they’ll have a tendency to resist what they’ll read there.  Many might go insane, literally, upon finally learning the truth, and so the zetas being caring deep down in intellectual thought-processes, don’t want to add to the already-over-burdened souls that will find it easy to give into despair.  After all, this is the purpose of our lives on earth: decide on what spiritual orientation we will make “when the chips are down”

It can even be argued that had Sr not made that trip to Europe to meet with the Ayatollah’s people and pledge money and arms to them if they would only hold onto the hostages until he and his buddy Ronnie could get into the White House, he might likely not even have come to power himself, and taken the steps to prepare the way for his puppet son to come in and finish the job so that he would still have a controlling interest in the power structure at the time of the pole-shift (but in one of the biggest fake-outs in the history of mankind, the White Lie of May 2003 that has yet to materialize 12 years on felled those dynastic ambitions of power and control over gold and black gold).

One of the major factors in the loss by the Democrats of both houses and Congress, and on the verge of losing the White House – if we were to have another presidential election, but we won’t – is the apparent meaningless of party affiliation, and how few of the promises Mr. Obama ran on in 2008 were actually put to the test, even if only in the bully pulpit. While the details are many, the over-arching attitude was one of “let bygones be bygones”, though the president had another catch-phrase he liked to use….I can’t remember, not that it matters.  What matters is that 9/11 is still being discussed by politicians as if the official line of “19 plus one hijackers did it” is still a respected viewpoint.  It isn’t. It’s so insulting these days, to hear someone talk as if it really happened that way, and wasn’t a scheme to get us into wars sympathetic to Israel’s needs while causing enough fear and terror to justify eliminating many of our civil liberties.  It was a way to get rid of a building that had too much asbestos in it anyway, and all the jewish workers that dutifully worked in those towers were advised not to go into work that day. That mysterious group of Jewish men celebrating the event and recording it for posterity were only questioned, never arrested and thrown into jail, never held to account for “doing our job of documenting the event”.  That blatantly admits they were told of it happening, and were to record it, but at who’s behest?  And all the stand-downs of Dick Cheney, who had “coincidentally” ordered a series of gov’t.-wide “exercises” that were remarkably exactly like what happened, thus giving him an alibi to “stand down” the military.  Furthermore, they didn’t stand down, even so; all of the planes were totally under the control of the operatives carrying out the 9/11 agenda at all times, and for one thing there simply were no planes used outside of New York, and many think those are themselves visual concoctions, but they haven’t taken all the evidence into account and allowed for attempts to obfuscate the available evidence like the Zapruder film did for Dealey plaza in Dallas this day 51 years ago today.  In that event, too, Mr. Bush needs to be held accountable for his part in carrying out Operation 40; both events were acts of treasonous thievery against American citizens and there needs to be a reckoning.

I would never advocate harming the flesh-suits of the liars, thieves, scoundrels and murderers that have done such harm to our country, because that is what they lurk furtively waiting to hear, so they can pounce with the law in tow.  No, they should be taken into custody – and should have been taken into custody at some point after calling a national grand jury (if such a thing exists).  Sadly, were that to ever take place, it would expose the underpinnings of how the policies of the corporation known as UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. are carried out by the POTUS for the benefit of the shareholders (of the Federal Reserve).  How seamlessly this flows in real life had always escaped me until recently, when I became acutely aware of just how much of an effect ‘banking practices’ had on popular culture, nation-state alliances, popularity of certain fashions, colors, foods, newer forms of technology that have appeared in what seems a controlled release…..even belief systems are at times bulk-delivered for consumption, with any resisting voices marginalized, and this makes it seem hopeless to the common man who educates himself to that level.  Most won’t even do that, preferring to die young while staying pretty.

Now I use the term “flesh-suit” not to be cutesy, but to emphasize the fact that ‘we’ are but pilots of an organic exo-skeleton that has certain needs and desires that it has to satisfy to some degree in order to fulfill its spirit having a human experience.  Extinguishing the life of the flesh-suit won’t be as effective at rectifying the wrongs as a public spectacle in which the lies told are trotted out and echoed until the public is ready for the truth being admitted to, by the very liars that have visited untruths and actions  - like murder – on us.  Some who don’t agree that accountability is a goal worth pursuing will argue against this, as if they would find it a time-waster, but I disagree vehemently.  These are lies that need to be exposed now, before the soul-harvest, so that the many who have despaired of ever seeing justice, won’t become easy prey for those selfish spirits who will come to usher them to their ‘shipping contairer’ (or UFO if you prefer) to be whisked to a world of hell, filled with other souls that despaired and need a few more lives to incarnate into before they truly decide.  Despairing souls are neither good nor bad, they are simply undecided. 

While the litany of 9/11-related and JFK-related facts mentioned here and there are only recounted as a basis to initiate a real court case (not a sham kangaroo court), the simple fact remains:  the public not only deserves, it NEEDS accountability from the men who stole its destiny.  True, a majority of the public has little clue as to how their reality has been so….’fixed’, but that’s no reason to say “let bygones be bygones”.  However, that must be the approach the poleshift ning takes, to avoid any potential increase of the number of souls that will go insane simply because there are some among us that feel the Bush family needs to come clean to the public – assuming they could receive immunity for the freedom of their flesh-suit to scramble into a pit in the ground to find safety from the detritus of the 12th planet.  That would be fitting, but not before the public is allowed to know what they did, or at the very least go through a public trial in which the judges and jury can’t be bought off.

In the meanwhile, I’ll continue debating the basis of the entire poleshift scenario by using both spiritual and non-spiritual logic (physical and meta-physical), because someone will need to help those who consider themselves intelligent to accept the premise of a pending poleshift in our near future that will result in a 90% death rate on average. Logic in many disciplines will show the ‘evidence’, but like all of us, we’d like to know ‘when’, or at least know how long the wait might take.  We might even have to wait until Mr. Obama’s last weeks in office as the CEO of the corporation, before he is allowed to announce the truth to the public.  There won’t be any sugar-coating it, and I assume everyone wants to be in place when it happens so they can defend themselves.  But, the longer they take to allow this, the worse the remonstrances by the public will be.  In effect, you in the power elite, you risk creating a self-fulfilling prophecy, no matter WHO is allowed to speak on your behalf. 

Take heed, just don’t take it too hard.

- dondep

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Awaiting The Great Admission by Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, and Xi Jinping

 A Tale of Three Presidents – The APEC Summit of 2014 might offer more than expected

Even considering the hat-eating I forced myself to endure following the feint of February 29th 2014, it’s with a lot of caution that I’m being so bold as to point to a probable date for the Great Admissions that human authorities have (first) interacted with extraterrestrials in order to (second) better acclimate humanity to the pending pole-shift in their very near future.

It’s a wonder I still listen to my intuition about this most singular event going forward despite the zetas continued yanking of our chains.  “Huh?” you say.  Yes, since it’s only the elite that can take ZetaTalk seriously (due to their access to the real state of affairs denied the average human), it’s no wonder has used its unique position as the only instrument of access to any human to mislead and taunt the knowledgeable authorities about the expected date of arrival of Nibiru. Since the old Majestic 12 caved in the face of the theft of the presidency by the rebellious puppet Bush family in 2000 – itself an act to secure control of the ultimate position of power over Americans and by extension the rest of humanity – the Zetas have abrogated their part in the fraudulent treaty system in order to bamboozle the elite all the better. They do this in order that the Bushes and their elitist cronies and psychopants are reduced to the same confusion about pending events as average humans.  And, as a consequence of the elite losing their once-privileged access to alien-assisted data concerning the pending arrival of the 12th planet in our skies, those same humans conducting the Cover-up have been reduced to using their power of control of the corporate media and communications system to block Mr. Obama’s attempts to secure an ‘open line’ to the public. 

This ‘open line’ would be used to inform the average person what the so-called “PTB” (the Powers That Be) have known for some time, and would leave it to them to go forward with the power over their own destiny as to how to handle the coming events. 

The elite humans have not only been informed by the zetas, they’ve had it reinforced via many rocket and space-craft “accidents” that no, they will NOT be allowed to go to Mars to escape the pole-shift. In addition they will NOT be allowed to go to the Moon, even, though it would be fitting that they would be and find themselves slaves in the mining operations they thought were only fitting for their lower-class dimwit human minions.  Finally, they learned the hard way after 2001’s “Continuity Of Government” kick-off known as 9/11/2001 that their precious billion-dollar bunker system will be unsafe in light of the major tectonic plate shifts along with mysterious fatal gases that have infiltrated those ‘safe havens’ and made it impossible to live in them.  Hallelujah, what karma!  The rich will be reduced to experiencing the horrors of the pole-shift right alongside the rest of humanity!

“So”, you say, “get on with it! What’s going to happen?”  Ah, but here it is again, and I’d have to be so bold as to predict how the information will be couched.  The only thing I know of and am assured of is that there WILL be an ‘announcement’ by the President, and in fact we have proof such is in the offing.  On Oct. 24th there was a first-ever Emergency Alert Message from the President, announcing an announcement on November 9th, 2014. Viewers tuned in to any station on the AT&T U-Verse network in several cities – including  Austin, TX, Charlotte, NC, Detroit, MI, Atlanta, GA, Birmingham, AL, Nashville, TN, and Raleigh, NC  –  saw an Emergency Alert Message announcing that the President would have a message to share on November 9th, 2014, beginning at 3:03pm and lasting through 3:18pm  EST. 

[That time is now only hours away, as of this writing.]

Here’s a local reporter in one of those cities attempting to explain it to viewers, trying to tie it in to the crises of the day known to the public:

With the threats of Ebola and ISIS, Americans are arguably a bit on edge. So it probably didn't help that many AT&T U-verse users saw a strange alert from the White House early Friday.Many U-verse customers across the country woke up to the curious message on their TVs.It read "this is an Emergency Action Notification." Viewers were forced to stay tuned to the channel.Customers were also saying that the alert stated it was requested by the White House regarding a national emergency.The message seems to have been sent in error.

No, it was not an error, and what is most telling is that the White House did not refute the claims; in fact, it hasn’t responded at all to requests that it denounce the messages as “errors”. 

Then, within the past week, we’ve heard from the zetas that Presidents Jingping and Obama had planned for the ‘announcement’ during their 2-day confab in California on June 7th and 8th, 2013.  Xi (that would be Pres. Jingping) felt strongly that it should come ‘after the harvest’; that time has now arrived.  Barack and Xi then agreed on a “500-day” period, which would place the expected announcement on Oct. 20th.  However, that date was too close to the expected election, and knowing what had happened during the last federal election of 2012 – which included his own re-election – not to mention the possible claims from domestic opposition that any such announcement would be suspect as potentially skewing the election, Barack did what any wise and good-hearted president in his shoes would do: he opted for a post-election announcement. 

Since all three major world-power presidents have planned to reinforce each other in the announcement, with the US president front-and-center making the “first move”, the 2014 APEC summit provides the best opportunity.  For the first time ever, all three presidents have an excuse to be in the same place at the same time, and we may see three presidential podiums set up side by side the better to reinforce the veracity of the announcement.  If not, Xi (as host) may “introduce” Barack, with Vlad speaking next and finally Xi himself weighing in.
While this is all speculation, it stands to reason that this is the perfect opportunity for all three to carry the message to the masses.  The entire city of Beijing has been given a week off with all factories closed, all schools and offices closed, and even auto traffic restricted to APEC-related events ferrying world leaders.  In fact, most of the leaders of other major countries such as the president of Mexico are also now arriving in Beijing, even as I finish this memo to you all.  And because so many countries are represented and need to have clear lines of communication, there are at least as many translators as politicians, not to mention media for each nation as well.  While most of Europe is focused on the Brandenburg Gate and the now-missing Berlin Wall, many non-APEC member countries such as Turkey and Pakistan are also in attendance (as "observers") at APEC 2014. 

It was also telling that the 16th annual Chiefs of Defense Conference, attended by the most senior military leadership of the 27 (some accounts say 37) countries represented at APEC was held but three or four days ago, concluding on November 6th, 2014.  Observers should note that this conference had originally been scheduled for sometime in 2013 but was canceled due to the budget debate in Congress and subsequent sequestration.  Yes, it’s a regularly-scheduled annual event, but the timing was….”helpful”, when considering what is likely to happen at APEC today and tomorrow.

Now it is always possible, and becoming increasingly probable with each new feint by Mr. Obama and his ‘announcement team’, that this opportunity too may be squandered, with complaints about how the corporate media continues trying to block this most terrible announcement (accurate), but so long as Mr. Obama is president of the United States, he DOES have the power to order SEAL Team Six, Delta Force, even the entire military of the US which is at his disposal, and can send them in to the offices of Comcast, Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc, to take the senior executives responsible for programming into custody until the President’s broadcast is allowed to cut through the usual blather – as the Emergency Alert Message president-only system is supposed to do – and the public duly informed of what we are all facing.  In the event the Great Admissions are not presented this week, the countless humans toiling in the fields to help alert humankind and help them prepare will be wasted by the lack of quality foresight and ability to do what this president should have done years ago.

As they always say:  Time – only hours, at this point – will tell.